Pastor Ken Scott + Mrs Sharon Scott


Pastor Ken Scott and First Lady Sharon Scott Serve at NTCG Dayspring. They continue to be Transformed by The Word to Transform The World.



Women's Ministry (S.O.A.R) Leaders

Sis Sharon Scott is the Ladies president she serves on this board alongisde Sis Chevonie Bonner-Phipps, The womens MInistry is built upon the the acroynm S.O.A.R.


Sis Chevonie Bonner-Phipps is the womens ministry (S.O.A.R) secretary who works and serves alongside Sis Sharon Scott helping oragnise events and plan meetings for the womens ministry.


Officer(CPC) and Secretary

Sis Kayann Gabbidon serves on the CPC as an officer for NTCG Daypsring


Sis Jean Mills Serves on the CPC alongside Sis Kayann Gabidon ,Pastor Ken Scott and Sis Donnette June Barnes.


Sis Donnette June Barnes serves on the CPC and she is also the secretary treasurer of NTCG dayspring she works closely alongside Pastor Ken Scott and the other officers.


Music Department

Bro Nathaniel Forrester is the Music Director for NTCG Dayspring.



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